“YAPTI TASBIA The Miskitu Motherland” book is available on Lulu and Amazon today!
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Pat Murphy Robinson who saved her life and brought her to the United States of America as his wife.
On April 14th, 2009 the Rev. Josephine E. Hendy M.T.T., Hereditary heir of the (Mosquitian) Miskitu -Atlantis Nation – Caribbean Seas Republic Sovereign Nation, wrote to the President of United States, the US Congress, and to the United Nations requesting that they immediately aid the Miskitu Nation. Her government in exile sought out peaceful efforts to restore the rightful hereditary national independence, and made the following implementations on carrying it out.
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
- The Convention on the Prevention and Reparation for the Crimes of Genocide a. 780 M.T.S. 277, entered into effect January 12, 1951
The Proclamation demanded by the Miskitu government-in-exile is for the restoration of all Kingdom territorial rights and the legitimate Royal government. The Proclamation further admonished the recognition of any treaties made outside of the legitimate royal government that have not been ordained through the Referendum process for the consent of the People. The treaties were not recognized by Miskitu fore-bearers nor the present government officials.
The Royal government-in-exile is represented by the Patriarch Prince, Dr. Lloyd Ariel Cuthbert Sinclair, Patriarch H.R.H. Louis Fredrick Lobos, Prince Royal H.R.H. Jose Miguel Coleman Hendy Clarence from the royal mother’s bloodline. The author Josephenie Hendy Hebbert Twaska, who is the Miskitu nation matriarch mother is also of the same blood lineage. (Her present last name is Robertson, the family name of her late husband, Pat Murphy Robertson).Josephenie Hendy Hebbert Twaska (Rev. Josephenie Robertson M.T.T.), the Matriarch of the Miskitu1 nation has written this book as a guide to her People in their struggle and Manifest Destiny to regain their status as a sovereign nation as we were before 1492
By presenting her beliefs in this book, on the state of affairs and sovereignty of the inhabitants of the Miskitu nation, she emphasizes to her people that their nation has declared this demand and maintained their rights as a nation among nations throughout Miskitu history. And, that they exist and continue to exist and the author prays for Divine intervention through the Holy Scriptures.
Her goal of educating and uniting the Miskitu people together in this endeavor today, so too, can the Miskitu community through the use of the international Referendum or Plebiscite decolonization process; finally secure and attain sovereignty, under restoration conditions of the original territorial boundaries and the original legitimate Constitutional monarchy.
From this beginning, with the restoration of the Miskitu Constitutional Monarchy in place, as the legitimate government and overseer of the people’s rights of a democratic republic where the Miskitu people may ordain the laws they live together by with their direct individual votes.
HRH Josephenie Hendy Hebbert Twaska, is the present day, Matriarch of the Miskitu nation. She was born December 12th, 1943 in Silver City, Bilwi Tawan (Puerto Cabezas) Miskitu nation to Ketura Hendy Hebbert and Mohamet Ezequiel Wazir-Waziri.
In 1957 she took up the royal staff and declared Miskitu independence. The Nicaraguan government subsequently afforded her two choices, imprisonment or exile which is contrary to international law pursuant to Article 2, Chapter 1 of the United Nations Charter, the UN International Court agreed with this approach and made the following comment in its ruling of July 22, 2010, which is quoted: “No general prohibition may be inferred from the practice of the Security Council with regard to declarations of independence,” and “General international law contains no prohibition on declarations of independence.
Miskitu – also written as Miskito, Moscos, Moustiques, Musquetos, Mosquito – Miskitia – Spanish La Mosquitia
2 Through YHWH (Yahweh) and Yahshua (aka Jesus Christ), the Lamb of Elohim, and Holy Spirit who said, “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy Fathers (and Mothers) have set” and “Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of Miskitu – also written as Miskito, Moscos, Moustiques, Musquetos, Mosquito – Miskitia – Spanish La Mosquitia
Through YHWH (Yahweh) and Yahshua (aka Jesus Christ), the Lamb of Elohim, and Holy Spirit who said, “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy Fathers (and Mothers) have set” and “Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the Fatherless (and Motherless) (Proverbs 22:28 and 23:10)
We, the Miskitu nation and peoples are declaring, demanding, and make proclamation for You, with Your presence to come to our aid. Return our frontiers and unite our people, back into one Miskitu-Nani Mother Homeland. With Thee, I, your humble servant of the Tetragrammaton, believing totally of the Most Almighty Power and shall plead this cause with Thee. Amen.”